
多样性、股票 & 纳入教育学院


我们致力于确保未来的教师, 辅导员, 我们培养出来的领导者也承认并接受多样性, 并被授权在他们选择服务的社区中推动平等.  




其中之一 指导原则 教育学院的宗旨是对社会正义的信念.  

This belief assumes the importance of education as a major pathway toward the values of democracy and 股本. The 教育学院 promotes lifelong learning as a purposeful activity that advances global citizenship and a just society.


The 威尼斯人网上娱乐 教育学院 is committed to diversity and inclusivity.  作为教育学院的成员, 我们努力工作,朝着一个肯定的学习和教学环境.  We do so by seeking to educate culturally responsive professionals who are able to work effectively with all stakeholders. 与我们对学术反思的承诺一致, 协作学习与社会公正, we seek to facilitate the development of our 学生 as reflective practitioners, 至关重要的思想家, 公共知识分子.


As a white man in a leadership role at a predominantly white institution that trains future teachers, 辅导员和行政人员, 我有义务倾听, 领导和利用我的特权为他人谋利益. 我在向有色人种教育家学习,比如. 玛丽·赖斯·布斯和她灼热的柱子我不好.“我也在利用威尼斯人网上娱乐的资源,比如这些 社会正义行动工具包.

But listening and learning is not enough, nor is an individual response to an institutional problem. The burden to speak out and take action must be a collective endeavor and it must not fall only on People of Color. This effort is part of a shared goal to make the 教育学院 a place to engage in difficult conversations and to serve as a change agent through faculty, 工作人员, 学生与校友合作.

以我们社会公正的指导原则为基础, 我们将以坚定和慎重的方式向前迈进. 虽然工作并不总是完美的, our efforts will be resolute and focused on ensuring the next generation does better than our generation in building a racially just and equitable society.

Dr. 瑞安明智

多样性、股票、 & 包含委员会

国有企业多元化、公平、 & 包容(DEI)委员会是支持教师, 工作人员, 学生, and stakeholders in meeting the tenets of the University and SOE 股本 statements in the praxis of our courses and interactions with colleagues and 学生.

SOE的DEI委员会由教师组成, 教职员工和学生主要关注三个主要功能:

  • Create opportunities that promote the development of future professionals from historically marginalized populations
  • Assist the development of professionals in meeting the needs of historically marginalized populations
  • Provide opportunities for faculty to engage in self-reflection around culturally responsive practices


瑞安明智 -教育学院院长
黛德小 ——教学教授 & 学习
莫莉谢泼德 -实践副教授
萨拉德里 - STEM Hub区域经理
艾莉布洛克 -院长办公室支持专员
雪莱费尔贝恩 ——教学教授 & 学习
凯利Marckres - 主管机构课程和会计 
凯西福尔摩斯 - 助理教授,教学与学习
Jiyung黄 -特殊教育助理教授
利亚凯莉 - 助理教授,教学与学习
琥珀格雷柏 -助理教授,教育领导


多样性、股票 & 包含资源

有关大学的信息和机会,请咨询 大学的多样性,公平性 & 包括网页.  

Follow the 教育学院 on social media for current events and opportunities, #DEIDrake.







在教育学院,我们希望我们的行动反映我们的承诺.  以下是我们本学年正在开展和发展的举措.  



We deepened our partnerships with schools in the DMPS-Roosevelt High School feeder pattern so that an increasing number of our 学生 have more experiences in our neighborhood schools. This partnership equally provides an opportunity for these schools to engage with the 教育学院 beyond just hosting teachers, to include the possibility of tutoring support for K-12 学生 and professional development opportunities for teachers.


确保我们的成员更加多元化和包容性, 我们扩大了全国校友委员会的代表人数,并扩大了我们的多样性, 公平及共融委员会.


The 教育学院 led two campus-wide conversations to support the United Way's 21-day 股本 challenge and moderated a Twitter chat on the 股本 challenge's "education day" to highlight critical issues. 



所有一年级的学生都选修这门入门课程.  课程改革包括对多样性问题的关注, 股本, and inclusion to emphasize how fundamental and critically important these issues are to being an effective teacher. 以此为基础, the next two courses in sequence will review curriculum changes to ensure that a clear and transparent focus runs through these core education courses.


两名新聘用的教员致力于反种族主义的实践和教学. 其中之一 new faculty member's re搜索 centers on working with historically language-minoritized 学生 to provide them with equitable and inclusive learning environments and preparing teachers with culturally and linguistically sustaining orientations. The second faculty member's scholarship focuses on a range of areas, including critical citizenship.


An 股本 audit was launched within the counseling program to ensure our curriculum reflects racially and culturally diverse authors and perspectives. We hope to use the template create by our Counseling program and expand these efforts across all programs within the 教育学院.

此外,在我们的课程图书馆试行了公平审计. 和孩子们一起上儿童文学课, an assessment of our collection was made to determine growth areas and how to best serve our 学生 and the K-12 学生 they work with, 现在和将来. 我们正在对藏品进行全面的多样性审核, 最初的努力集中在图画书的横截面上. 学生们通过考察种族分析了536本书, 性别, and sexual orientation of the characteristics of both primary and secondary characters and the background of authors and illustrators.




确保对我们的多样性结果有持续的问责制, 公平和包容努力, 我们在战略计划中增加了一个目标:

  • 加深我们的多样性, 股本, 包容努力为所有学生创造一个积极的学习环境

To do this we will focus on the following measurements to ensure that we are accomplishing our goal. 

  • Identifying the percentage of entering first-year 学生 who identify as 学生 of color
  • 追踪有色人种学生获得奖学金的数量
  • Collecting student feedback regarding how their Drake experience contributed to their understanding of people of different backgrounds
  • 监测有色人种学生的保留率



展望未来, we are actively considering ways to better recruit and support 学生 of color from metro schools, providing them with the means and the support to pursue their education degree in the 教育学院 at Drake. Scholarships will play an important role in this process and we are in the planning stages for fundraising activities to support this effort.

Building deeper connections in the community and creating opportunities to mentor and support 学生 throughout middle school and high school will also be critical to this effort. 除了, 我们正在寻找方法, 超出了上面列出的性能指标, 确保所有学生的学习体验是公平和包容的.


如果你想了解更多关于我们的多样性, 股本, 或者有兴趣参与进来, 请威尼斯人网上娱乐.  

